Content at Scale Review

Matt Donley Uncategorized

(This article was NOT written by AI, hehe.)

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of all the different AI writing tools powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 and Chat GPT.

What makes Content at Scale different is that it lets you generate full-length blog articles by simply providing a keyword phrase prompt. It takes about 3 minutes to generate a 2000-3000 word article, completely hands-off aside from providing a keyword phrase. It offers huge time savings compared to something like Jasper AI.

Content at Scale article generation prompt

SEO focus

I immediately noticed that the articles produced by Content at Scale are written in a publish-ready format optimized for on-page SEO. This is something totally unique to Content at Scale. The tool’s one purpose is to produce SEO-optimized blog articles in as little time as possible; that’s it. Here are some features you’ll find in each article, automatically included:

A Content at Scale article dashboard with SEO feedback
  • Table of Contents with anchor links for quick article navigation.
  • Key Takeaway featured blocks to help break up text and summarize chunks of content.
  • Click to Tweet quote blocks.
  • FAQ section.

A Title, URL slug, and meta description are also generated, and you can quickly select a featured image from a database of copyright-free images. (I imagine in the future, they will offer AI-generated images too.)

It can even include internal and external links when you link their WordPress plugin to your site.

You’ll also see metrics on how your article compares to other articles in the search results for the keyword phrase you targeted. This is another unique feature of Content at Scale. It internally retrieves the search results for your target phrase showing you how to improve your article so you can rank better.

Reviewing the AI Content

For most topics, it writes great content. I say most because if it’s an obscure niche or something really technical, it just simply doesn’t have enough “knowledge” to write logically about it. I mean, it reads well from word to word, but it might write an entire paragraph that seems out of sequence, irrelevant, or redundant. But for generalized topics, it can actually write pretty valuable content that could pass as human-made.

It understands blog post structure. It builds paragraphs on-topic to the heading they are under. It can create lists and knows the special patterns and formatting typically found there. It’ll add context to a statement or provide examples to clarify something further. Here’s an unedited example article I generated from Content at Scale about affiliate marketing.

There were a few minor grammatical errors in some of the articles I generated. There was one instance where there was no space between two words (weird) and another where it wrote out the HTML version of & (& instead of &).

Another thing I didn’t really think of is it actually takes a little skill to understand how to prompt AI. For example, I wanted it to write about “Affiliate Marketing for Beginners,” and it wrote an article from the perspective of a business owner who wanted to promote their products by finding affiliates.

I was actually looking to write an article about the other side of affiliate marketing; how you can use it to make money by promoting other people’s products.

Luckily, Content at Scale includes an optional “context box” where you can provide additional context or guidelines to help form the article. That did the trick. You can also preview and edit the generated content brief of the article by clicking the customize button. It shows a list of each talking point in the article, which you can rearrange or customize however you’d like. Or, just leave it alone and let it run with what it came up with.

Regardless, once the article is generated, you always want to read through every word and make sure it makes sense, doesn’t include any made-up facts, and that it provides value.

Scaling it up

Now the “at scale” part of Content at Scale doesn’t stop at the one-click article generation. You can upload a CSV of multiple keyword phrases at once and have the tool generate multiple articles all in one click.

This might not seem like a big deal at first, but think about what you’d have to do if you wanted to create multiple articles in Jasper AI, for instance.

You’d have to create a new document for each one manually. You’d then have to manually assemble the article using one or more of the templates, or even if you use some of the workflows or “one-shot blog post,” there are several prompts you have to input to get it to generate the post. And the results do not have any styling or formatting, so you still have to do that manually.

And Jasper’s “One-shot blog post” output is less than 1,000 words…

And you still have to go into WordPress, create a new post, and copy & paste the content into the editor. Repeat for every single article.

With Content at Scale, again, you can have it produce several articles simultaneously by uploading a list of keyword phrases. There’s also a WordPress plugin that will publish your articles to your site!

WordPress Integration

With Content at Scale, they have a WordPress plugin that synchronizes your content to your website, making it incredibly fast to publish. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it type of plugin. Once you connect your API key, it will bring articles into your site automatically.

Content at Scale WordPress plugin

Each project you create in Content at Scale can be linked to a different WordPress site, making publishing content to several sites from inside your account easy.


Content at Scale starts at $500/mo, getting you 20 posts per month. So that comes down to $25 per article. Compare that to Jasper’s $49/mo Boss mode plan; it might seem expensive. But suppose you factor in the amount of time it saves you from getting an article written, formatted, and uploaded to WordPress, internally and externally linked. In that case, you can start to see how valuable this really is.

Content at Scale Early Access

At the time of writing this, Content at Scale is still in Early Access. There’s still work to be done.

I’ve noticed the documentation is lacking. Not that it’s all that hard to figure out, but for instance, I didn’t know where to find the WordPress plugin or where to find my API key to hook it up to my website, so I had to find the info in their blog post announcing the feature.

It could use a better loading screen when waiting for the article to load.

Stuff like that.

But the output is pretty solid. That’s what’s important. They are actively hiring to grow the service, so I have no doubt all these quirks will be resolved soon.

You can sign up right here, and you’ll get 20% additional credits each month as a bonus.